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alesa shake your cake 




Here is the first episode of my playthrough of this game. Really excited to play more of it and get into the story. need to play the other 2! 

Thank you so much for playing! Sorry about all the frustrating deaths with Helga hahahaha


Of course! Love supporting the gaming community as much as i can! Lols that's just me being bad at the game! 😆


Hi Lunar!


AAAAA heyy

I will wait for the game in Spanis


There is already a Spanish translation

(1 edit) (+2)

My favorite part is Bzpkszp not giving a singular FUCK about what's happening.

Also... where's Francesca in that rag-tag group of people who got into supernatural situations? Did she not want to join or something?

Finally, I was about to mention if Thanks For Loving Me While I Rot rep is possible... until I found out that you removed it. Were you not proud of it?

P.S: Is Alesa bi, or some other related sexuality, such as being pansexual or omnisexual?


That's a core trait of Bzpkszp, they are oblivious to everything, even if it's a multiverse ending threat

The thing with Francesca is that her sprite was an unmodified stock asset from the Pop Horror pack, so I don't really feel attached to her, unlike the other characters. I included a reference to her and the doll from the game as easter eggs because I thought it would be nice to at least make a small reference to The Toy Factory Across the Street

Thanks for Loving Me While I Rot was an experimental game made in about 3 hours and I'm not really fond of it. I like the concept, but the execution was not what I had envisioned back then.

Alesa is technically bisexual, but she also seems to feel attracted to paranormal entities/monsters/abominations/eldritch horrors/possesed evil marionettes. After all, she developed a crush on Greta while she was a murderous monster


So she's a monster fucker? Slay.


Best game ever loved it 


Thank you so much Blaze! : D
Awesome video! Very comprehensive, so it will come in handy for people who missed any of the endings or want to check out a specific part!


Thank you


Thought I was dreaming when I was checking my email last  night as I was going to bed and saw you've posted a House for Alesa 3. Totally forgot, checked this morning, and it's real!!! I can't wait to play.


I hope you like it!

(2 edits) (+1)

I just finished it :) I think I got all the endings as well.

Anyway, it was a great game, I loved the story as usual. I liked the true ending because it's flexible, too. 

I do have some feedback though. I liked the other two games more, this one was a bit annoying for a few reasons.

1. The voice acting was ...  not great(mostly the female characters; the guys did great!) and I am trying to say this in the nicest way but I don't know how to without lying. They were not horrible, don't get me wrong!! It took a little bit to get used to, though, since I like to read them myself. The voices in general were a little bit off putting though, plus the acting skills, as some of them sounded like they were just reading off paper and got the emotions wrong. Plus I didn't expect Alesa to sound like a child lol. Is there a way to turn those off? I prefer just reading it myself. I left them on, though. (No offense if any of the voice actors are reading this, I really don't mean to  hurt anyone).

2. The puzzles and stuff were more fun, longer and confusing in the 2nd game which I liked. This one felt a lot easier!

3. The cake dance at the end of each fight... was a bit extra. And it's not able to be skipped so it's a bit annoying.

I think those are  my only 3 complaints. Wouldn't mind the voices if  I could turn them off (if I am able to, it's not very clear in the settings).

Anyway, keep up the good work!!! If you make a 4th game I will definitely play <3 Again, sorry if I offended anyone!!!

Edit: Adding more things I liked!

-The music and ambience was great

-The dog and cat companions were adorable (I used both)

-All the ending were so funny/great

-I think you had some characters from other games of yours (besides this trilogy)??? I wasn't 100 percent sure because I didn't finish a lot of them yet. 

-"Your ass is hairy too?"

-The story (as mentioned above) 


It's okay, you're being respectul and honest.
Most of the cast was new to voice acting, they wanted to do it for fun and for getting experience. Some of the voices were modified; for example, the pitch of Alesa's voice was increased, since she's supposed to sound more high pitched. At first, I was going to include an option to turn them off, but I decided against it, since the VAs worked hard and they deserved to be heard. I understand that some people would prefer no voice acting at all, and I might consider adding a no VA option in the future, but at the moment I'll leave the game the way it was envisioned.

I guess the puzzles and overall difficulty are pretty subjective and the experiences are very different. Some people hated the puzzles in the 2nd one but liked these ones, and some considered this game harder.

I understand some people will find the victory dance annoying, while others might love it. It was actually a last minute addition that I really love so I would never consider removing it.

Nevertheless, I appreciate your feedback and honesty!

Personally, I'm proud of the VAs, they did their best, even if some of them had no experience in VA at all, we all worked for months and I'm very happy with their work, and they were really happy to be part of this


And this is supposed to be the final A House for Alesa game, so there won't be a 4th one. While fun, the development left me too tired and feeling empty. Now I'm also considering not making any games at all for a long time


This was a perfect ending for a final game of the series for sure. 

Oh, no! I hope you find your future passions. I really like your games (not just the Alesa series!) but burnout is definitely understandable.  I wish you the best! I will still have notifications on in case you create new games in the future, though ~


Aww yea, that is fair and true. If you put no voice acting as an option, then people might not see their hard work. I  understand that they are new and doing it for fun, too. Thank you for taking my feedback well, but I hope if the VAs see, they will not be offended <3 I am glad they got to voice act and get some experience! 

As for the puzzles, yea true, that was more of a personal opinion but I still found the puzzles fun. 

And of course! You never have to remove something if you don't want to remove it, if you like the victory dance that's fine!  I am glad you do. You and everyone did a great job on this game overall, though!

I'm am not offended. I have other project's as well that i work with and its hard reading the scripts without seeing the emotion on screen so do keep that in mind. but thank you for the feed  back so I can do better in the future 


Nice cake lool


This game have 3th title before HL3

(1 edit)

the 3th?

(3 edits) (+3)

The browser version has been updated and everything should be working fine now!


awesome game axel would love to voice act in your next game or one day! 

Thanks for playing! Great video! : D


No Problem! 


Very Good Game! 


Thank you so much! cool gameplay!


You already know ima play this one soon




welcome back im hell ...think next netflix serie alesa lol

(3 edits) (+1)

A tv series? hahahaha come on! who would want to watch that? or maybe they would hahaha but I think these games are just too crazy and bizarre to be adapted

Also thanks for the video! : D



I been waiting for this game with high expectations and it for sure delivered in every way possible, downloaded it 20 minutes after it released and skipped a night of sleep to have the video ASAP and boy was it worth it!

It was really cool to see all the characters from the different games in one chaotic nightmarish world, somehow it feels like I prepared for this the past few weeks playing your other games.

I will try not to spoil anything in the review but I loved everything about this, is the perfect end (even if it's not) for the trilogy, the costumes are amazing, I loved the dog companion and the boss battles, it's been a while since I enjoyed a game so much thank you for making this, and for giving me the chance to participate on it too (and also for the reserved spot!)

PS: The bra is now my favorite Item.

Keep up the good (godly) work!


It was certainly incredible to watch your videos of my other games because I knew what was coming: most of those characters would return for A House for Alesa 3. If people are confused by them (especially bzpkszp) and want to know more about them, your videos are no doubt a must watch

I think your Alex voice acting was perfect and your voice totally fits the character! Thank you so much for  contributing to the game and accepting voicing Alex!

By the way, this needs to be clarified hahhaa

The reserved spot uses the name you put at the beginning of the game, so it will be different for each player. However, there IS a statue that references you: the one that says "a samurai with fluffy ears" hahahaha

Thank you so much for the amazing playthrough (this and the other ones) and for voicing Alex! I'm glad you enjoyed the game and had fun voicing Alex!

By the way, the soap mama costume was created by Alesa's VA hahahaha


Ohhhh yeah, of course, the name input, you must forgive how absentminded I am, by that point I forgot about that and only remembered right at the end of the game after I embarrassed myself thinking I was being referenced, thank you for the statue and for noticing how fluffy my ears are, that way I look less like a fool!

But that makes me wonder, if [Player] statue was supposed to be there, that means Suzy, and by extension maybe Mr.Alfred knew about [Player] before Alesa met them in the future, so maybe that means it all was a plot to use [Player] impregnate her?! OK maybe I am just looking too hard into it...

And one final food for thought: when Alesa got pregnant and the baby was inside her, that means Alesa became the House for the baby, thus finally attaining her dream of becoming a house.


My mind cannot proccess this information
Nah, I just thought, it would be nice to have a statue reserved for the player, just for fun, but it was more of a last minute addition so it had no importance regarding the plot

And you're actually right about Alesa becoming some sort of house

I guess it comes full circle!

it seems, someone is offended:(((😭
how am i supposed to live further

Some people got diabetes from all this CAKE

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+2)

There's always people who come to downvote comments in my games. They also give 1 star ratings for all of my games lmao

art connoiseur, morality expert and offended person? they didnt like their cameos?😁



or maybe giving bad ratings and downvoting comments is their way of showing appreciation

then it's even more weird than Mr. Bob's way of showing his appreciation to AlesaXD
btw how to get 11th ending?

(1 edit) (+1)

Ending 11/12? Join Mr. Alfred instead of battling him


ok i found more words:

1. internet critics' cakes will be burning like hell's fire!
2. shake it, shake it, Alesa!😏

3. so nice of Mr. Alfred to warn about his attacks❤
4. Mr. Bob having a dream about Alesa's adventures wahaaaaat that's a crazy twistXDD
5. Ball costume cghwidgvgwlv
6. yes, tomatoes rule🤘🏻



at first, he didn't shout out his attacks, but the fight was too hard,so the anime style callouts were necessary

good decision - fights in the game are not too hard and not too easy, i like them:) Also voice acting is super fun, even my inner voice didnt object against them, usually it doesnt like VAs in this kinda gamesXD


also i got all endings except for 11th.
and found a small bug


oh yeah, the playtester actually pointed out that but I forgot to fix it


or maybe i have some words? about this guy - seems so cool, even helped Alesa!🖤 (feel bad for Ferdinand tho😂)


hahahaha Ferdinand was too annoying
he was pretty funny though

i... have no words... just applauding(loud sounds of applauding)<3


Thank you Abra! I hope you enjoyed your cameo hahaha

yes, it was a short, but important role! actually I had exactly the same idea about your cameo in my game - he will help the MC<3


hahahah that's awesome, I look forward to it!


Ohhhh I can't wait to play this game, this game series is amazing!!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but did you mention that you liked Helga from "There's Something in the Anderghast Mine" some months ago and asked me if she would ever be back? If the answer is yes, then you're in for a nice surprise!


I look foreword to seeing everyone's reaction in this game, I had a lot of fun helping !!!!!!!!!!



Hey everyone reading this

Guess who's Lilithfea? you have no idea!


#kubscoutz everyone share this get his attention!!!!

i still have no idea...

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