Not available anymore

Some of the clowns were created using a premade asset:

 Even though I gave credit, I just found out that the asset has a license that doesn't allow derivatives, and there are some enemies in the game that are a derivative of the clown asset. I didn't know about that license and I had no idea this asset had it. Therefore, there's 3 options:
1. Use the default asset without modifications and remove/replace any derivatives (for example, the mutant clowns)
2.  Don't use the asset at all and instead use something different
3. Make this game unavailable forever (or until I find a replacement for the derivatives that cannot be used)

At the moment, I've decided to make the game unavailable until further notice. However, finding replacements for that asset and changing the clowns in the game would be too much and I don't have the mind for it, so at the moment, I think this is the end of Billy Went to a  Carnival.

My apologies to the creator of the asset for not reading the full license.

Get Billy Went to a Carnival


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(1 edit) (+1)

Hey dont worry about the license, use it how you want! I just changed it


oh man, it's a shame that this game has to go along with all the time and effort you put into producing this game, Billy went to a Carnival was one of the games I had the most patience to finish in all these times, but now I must say thank you Having done so, problems with licensing are truly work-destroying.


I actually hadn't gotten around to trying this game before, but as a fan of your work and indie gaming in general, I want to offer what help I can if you need help making custom sprites. 

I see from the comments that you are already looking at other options, you'll probably find better, but I just want to toss it out there c:

Good luck A.V.! 


Thank you Haiphong, I really appreaciate it! But I've decided to make my own clowns and replace them eventually. That'll have to wait, though, since this game isn't a priority and right now I want to focus on 2 amazing games that I plan to release this month. So stay tuned for the upcoming games! I think they will be among my best ones


Fair enough! I'll look forward to them c:


Maybe you could try drawing your own versions of the clowns?

(1 edit) (+3)

Yes, that's a possibility. This will have to wait though, since I'm currently working on 2 new secret projects (one of them will be released soon)

(1 edit) (+3)

As an alternative, you could try to contact the creator and try to work something out with them.

Aside from that, maybe literally replace the clown assets with a simple Placeholder asset, like just a literal white box with Placeholder written on it. If the clowns are just in the Enemy Database, then it shouldn't take long. I think it's better for the game to be available in an 'incomplete' state rather than being lost forever.


I think I'll try to find a replacement here on Itch, since I really like this game and I don't want it to be lost. Thing is, I can't find the project folder, so unless I find it, maybe I'll have to consider making a remake from scratch. But if I find it, I just have to edit all the clowns since those are the only problematic assets


Aw man. Your decision is yours alone, but I hope you would instead try an alternative one day. If anything, it would be a shame for the rest of the effort to go to waste.

Yes, I'll definitely look for an alternative. I really liked this game
