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Advanced Jiggle Physics? 

Overall very good game! 

Loved this game - so bizarre and unique. Do you have a patreon or anyplace where I can donate, and make game requests?

Thank you so much! : D
I don't have a patreon and I'm afraid I don't take game requests (that would be too stressful); I mostly make games for jams or come up with a random crazy idea that could work for a game and go from there




Un juego tan absurdo y estúpido como el mismo nombre. No sé por qué cojones terminé jugando esta cagada, fue una absoluta pérdida de tiempo. Lo bueno es que el jueguito este de mierda tampoco se toma en serio, así que por lo menos eso se agradece, porque entre lo estúpidamente fácil que es, el mega cringe que da y el ridículo final es para meterle fuego.

Seguro que ahora el creador me viene y me dice que “es una crítica a los juegos del género”, puta mierda de excusa barata. Es solo un pervertido al que solo le ha faltado poner una animación para ver cómo le botan las tetorras al caminar.

En fin, esta diosa de la fertilidad se manda a un bosque tenebroso y obscuro donde se supone que vive PieGrande y todo porque la pendejita esta sigue las instrucciones de su psicólogo de enfrentar sus demonios. Una de dos, o el psicólogo, es gay o un beta que aún no se la ha cogido por su tremendo autismo.

En fin, que la tetona esta ahora resulta que sabe de todo, corre como un Fórmula 1, pega unos saltos de canguro australiano, y sabe defenderse cuerpo a cuerpo con un puto engrendo de 10 metros sin salir malherida. Lo dicho, un puto chiste de juego.

Juegos como este son los que banalizan cosas tan perturbadoras como lo que luego se muestra en el juego, una puta matanza de órdago donde no paras de ver sangre, cuerpos desmembrados y muchas cosas jodidas más. Putos imbéciles que luego les das una pala y no saben cavar un agujero.

Pa resumir, no lo juegues. Lo único bueno es el aspecto gráfico, pero eso es lo de menos. Los mapas son en 2D lineales sin ninguna dificultad, no hay puzles ni acertijos ni historia. Es todo un mal chiste que abunda de ser extremadamente edgy y sangriento.

E.T.A.: 1H 2/10. Qué raro que no haya puesto a la Lily marcando pezones.

this was so cool and enjoyable to play! I never expected the truth about Lucy's mother either!

Thank you so much! : D


ive always had a question for you but i thought it wasnt appropriate to ask such things; why do your characters usually have such big chests? is it to make your work stand out? to lure certain people in? im not accusing you of being a degenerate, but i am just curious because it seems not to matter to the games and i'll probably delete my comment once i get an answer.

Coz he likes it, coz it gets more atention, coz stands out, ya know all of the options you can think of

I guess that's true, I was just hoping for an answer from him as I'm curious cuz I don't think him liking it is the main reason. I've always been reluctant to play his games because of such physics but from what I see it doesn't seem to be the focus so it's probably not because he's into it that much 🤔 but considering I haven't got an answer I'm just gonna assume my question was offensive and take it down soon >~> I wish him the best of luck though

Maybe he will answer, and if he finds it offensive it will just be lack of professionalism. Professionals are sopose to take good or bad critics or even questions like that, its not like you r offending anyone. In a lot of websites including nexus and itch io i got complains to me for asking these kind of question but i never stop beying honest and ask or complain if i see something wierd or wrong. About the big tities, i really think its to get more atention from men sense 59% of gamers are men, and yes we tend to click on something with big bigs ya know XD. And even i do that and sexualize my characters in games to try to get more audience. (Some times dosent work) but we do try, so in conclusion we men are pervs, but pervs with feelings :)


Sorry for the late reply, sometimes I get lost with different comments between my games, but your question doesn't offend me. Actually, I've been asked that many times and I think I've provided different answers.
I think it's a mix of personal preference and wanting to make characters that stand out in comparison to the standard video game characters (at least Rpg Maker characters). I've also wanted to prove that characters with Lucy's proportions can still be protagonists in horror games.
I haven't made a protagonist like Lucy since "Hairy Trees Massacre", but one day I'll probably make another character like that for another game


Ooh interesting! I suppose girls like that can be horror protagonists...your artwork is very nice by the way and thank you for answering as i was a bit puzzled :) anyway if its a question youve answered ill probably take it down cuz u hate to ask a question thats been asked over and over, but maybe you should add a note in your profile bio explaining it so people dont have to ask so much anymore. Best of luck with your games! ^.^

(1 edit) (+3)

Nah, you don't have to take down your question!  You asked it politely and I appreciate that. Also, others might find it helpful
Thank you! : D Best of luck to you too!

Av remembers the foot game 👣 Big in the memories of the protagonist Lucy shows a forest ranger and then a mini game begins with us taking place in the forest ranger's body, why don't you take advantage of this mini game and create a game about this forest ranger? and I've been thinking, what do you think about creating an Alice in Wonderland game? There's a door in the game 👣 Grande that's closed. Wouldn't there be a version where that door would be there or we could enter? I'm waiting for you to release more games, I need more games 🤤

In fact, I'd like to make an Alice in Wonderland related game in the future, don't know when though, but it's definitely something that would fit my bizarre style

Bro, creo que hablo por todos los usuarios de Android si digo que sería una preciosidad si sacarás una versión en APK de tus juegos, ya que son intrigantes y tienen buena historia, en especial el house for Alesa, a parte mi PC se dañó y le quede con las ganas de jugar los otros juegos

Una vez intenté pero no tuve éxito. Tendría que revisar y mirar tutoriales otra vez, porque la verdad me gustaría poder sacar versiones APK de mis juegos. De todas formas, por el momento la mayoría pueden jugarse en el teléfono desde el navegador visitando los links de los juegos en Itch. Por ejemplo, este puede jugarse en el teléfono

love all ur games

Thank you! : D

I gotta say, I throughly enjoyed the game! I loved the settings and scenery, the humor is silly and over the top, the art is cute and has soul, the horror is well done, and T H E  P H Y S I C S

Please keep making games like this, it put a smile on my face and will continue to make me laugh, as did the house for Alesa series and Pinocchiororia did too. May even make art about them in the future!

Legend says Bigfoot is still shaking his cake to this day...


Thank you so much, that means a lot! : D I mostly make these games to entertain people, so it makes me really happy when people actually do laugh at the insanity of my games!


Here's My gameplay, enjoy


Great gameplay! Thank you for playing! : D

(2 edits) (+1)

Hola me llamaste mucho la atencion vi tu juego de un canal pequeño y quise probarlo (por 2 grandes pixeles) pero me llamo mas la atencion que este al español y buscando un poco de ti lei en tu pagina y primero espero que sigas adelante y todo vaya a mejor y segundo arruina la privacidad pero tu nacionalidad se podria saber? solo curiosidad mia pero si quieres mantenerlo en privado esta bien lo comprendo

Solo te deseo lo mejor y espero que puedas seguir haciendo juegos y superarte a ti mismo cuidate


Hola! Muchas gracias por tus palabras y por jugar el juego!
Creo que alguna que otra vez he mencionado (y hasta lo pusieron en TVTropes) que soy argentino


Not hatin, but if her tassive mits and her azz were real, she'd def have some fat on her instead of being skinny or having a waist like that (again, no hate, just sayin)


Why are all the women you make busty?  hah


Genetics! The Lord made them that way

Pretende fazer um port para Android

I'm afraid I don't know how to do that. But it can still be played through the browser (on phones)


Is it okay to ask what the update changes?


Some texts were slightly changed and I made sure all the playtesting save files were deleted (accidentally uploaded them last time I uploaded the game files)


yeah yeah this is an amazing game and all, but it never answers the question: are the trees hairy, or is the massacre hairy?

seriously though, this was great!

knew it was getting five stars in the presentation department with that intro alone. the pixel art is so richly textured but very readable, and it gives the whole experience an awesome vibe. the flashbacks changing perspective and having that clashing retro aesthetic was SUCH a nice touch. the character sprites and art are really good too, and even little details like the death animations (which were a real treat btw lol) having alternate versions for lesser-dressed lucy shows just how much care was put into the visuals! also the big boba. that was nice.

the sound design was also excellent! the little pieces of music are super moody and expertly composed, and the chase track actually really friggin shocked me the first time haha. it was super disturbing and it's gonna be stuck in my head for a while! :D (i'll admit it was a bit too loud for my taste, but it definitely helped with the shock factor so i won't complain).

the story wasn't too complex but it was nice and simple, with a few twists and things left up for interpretation that made it feel very satisfying. i got endings 1, 5, 7 and the cave one (can't remember the number rn) and... tbh i have no idea how to get the others haha. but it was really cool how you get a lot of choices on how to continue, and i never really knew which ones would lead to a different ending. i dig it!

if i had to mention any complaints... there's one part were you get a lot of options on how to escape bigfoot, and idk it felt a bit tiring to go through each one to see if they lead to different paths in the story so i just used the bear trap and moved on. but that's just my completionist brain talking, there's nothing objectively wrong with that part or anything lmao.

all in all, this was a fantastic game with a lot of effort put into it! but let's be honest, you could've made the entire game just one scene and it would get five stars across the board from me on all categories. and i think you know what scene i'm talking about... (hint: cake)


I think you might have been too generous with your review hahaha but I really appreciate it! Thank you so much! : D

I actually agree with pretty much all your points. Some choices were unnecesary, since they all led to a death animation, and the sounds were far too loud (in my defense: my ear buds were broken and my audition isn't the best so I had everything really loud).

Thanks again for playing and for that amazing review and feedback! : D


hey, at least the death animations themselves are pretty cool. honestly the first time i died and saw there were multiple of them i instantly went on a dying spree just to see them all lmao.

thanks for replying! :>

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