Alesa, a 27 year old social worker mourning the death of her girlfriend Greta, has been assigned a new case: a lonely old lady who refuses to leave her apartment (and the city needs her to leave so they can tear down the building and build a shopping mall).
After having dealt with so many paranormal entities over the years, will Alesa finally have a case that doesn't involve facing a reality warping demon and horrors that don't make any sense?
This is an Alesa game, the answer is pretty obvious!

Created by A. V. Dossow in collaboration with NewmoniaCute


  • 6 REGULAR ENDINGS plus a SECRET ENDING that involves tedious tasks and won't make your life any better, but you'll still want to get it
  • Beatiful artwork by NewmoniaCute
  • Cute pixel art
  • Creepy, bizarre and disgusting locations and entities
  • Mini games
  • A computer
  • Toilet system
  • Jiggle physics
  • Different death animations (CGs and sprites)
  • Kawaii voice sounds for Alesa by NewmoniaCute
  • Unique soundtrack by A. V. Dossow. Some songs even have vocals
  • Available both in English and Spanish
  • The browser version can be played on phones

Updated 4 days ago
Published 6 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, HTML5
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(18 total ratings)
AuthorA. V. Dossow
GenreRole Playing, Puzzle
Made withPixiJS, RPG Maker
TagsCreepy, Female Protagonist, Funny, Horror, Lesbian, Multiple Endings, Pixel Art, RPG Maker, RPG Maker MZ
Average sessionAbout an hour
LanguagesEnglish, Spanish; Latin America
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Endings guide.txt 681 bytes
Guía de finales.txt 699 bytes
A House 4 Alesa (WIN).rar 155 MB
A House 4 Alesa (MAC).zip 214 MB


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First introduction to this series and I am hooked! Felt like entering a living world with fascinating established lore, a strong thematic voice,  loveable protagonist, menacing villains and a well balanced line of hilarity and aggressively violent actions/story. How this all works so well together, I do not know, but I am excited to go back and check out the other 3 entries. If you're unsure (just play it!) feel free to check out my playthrough above!

Thank you so much for playing and for the video, it was really fun to watch! : D I'm glad you're liking the world of Alesa so far! Out of the 4, this is definitely my favorite, but I guess as the creator I have to recommend the previous 3 too (be warned though: they might be even crazier that this one hahaha)

I've loved these games for a while! Such interesting storyline and I recorded my gameplay for the game as one of my first recordings. Can't believe how wide this series has spread and even if you don't make another, I was so amazed by the games so far that I don't think I could forget them anytime soon. I managed to find all the endings except D and the secret ending. I did the quitting ending (F), the garden ending (E), the death ending (C), the killing ending (B) and the forgiveness ending (A) but couldn't figure out the other ones. I may revisit it in the future as I've 100%ed all the other House for Alesa games including the remake and it would be a shame for me to leave this one without finishing it fully.

Thank you so much for your support and for giving the Alesa games a chance!
Don't worry about completion, you still managed to get the most important ending (A) so that means a lot!
While Alesa needs to rest for a while, I definitely wouldn't discard a 5th game in the near future!

Of course! I'm so glad I ended up following this series and I'll keep Ending A in mind for the future but I still want to check out the other ones somethime as well. Can't wait to see the future games if there will be any. Please don't let Alesa get that cake reduction surgery!

Rest assured, that won't happen! The legendary cake will get bigger with each new installment of the series!

What happened to your old games?

Either I plan to remake/update some of them, or I consider some of them too outdated and bad (like Phantoms in the Camp)

I loved These Games since the first one and I maybe like Alesa as a character a bit to much so thank you for making another one :)

I'm the one who's thankful to you for playing the Alesa games! : D

ive been waiting SOOOO long for this. best game in the series. Mr bob kinda has my liking now. LOVE U FOR MAKING THESE GAMES.

Ohhh thank you so much, that means a lot! : D  I'm glad you liked it, and I'm also glad that you kinda appreciate Bob now hahaha


Played this one ASAP, I was not expecting another Alesa game, much less one this soon, and definitely not one in collaboration with other people.

I approached this one cautiously optimistic, was gladly surprised by the new art, portraits and sprites look the best they have ever done in the series, everything looks so much cleaner (although I feel it lost a bit of that A.V DOSSOW spice), as usual the cutscenes and death animations were not disappointing, au contraire the full scissors one left me speechless.

I must admit the "Kawaii voice" took me out of the game sometimes because I too used to a certain Alesa that I formed in my head from previous games, this is not to say the voice actor was not great, I just could not make the connection.

The game is full of references to a lot of things I enjoy so I was really happy playing and looking at them, specially the PC minigame, it was amazing.

The story of this one may not be the most complex in the series (Hard to beat part 3!) but I feel it works just fine and helps develop the new characters and new Alesa lore.

This game is definitely one of the best that I have seen from you, that bike scene was SuperB and the song with vocals? way to go Mr. Dossow great job!

In the end I felt this game had a lot of "fan game" feeling over it (Not a bad thing), probably because of the influence of your talented collaborator, and that made me a little hard to reconcile this game with the others in the series, but that's OK, I also see this as an expansion of horizons and a lot of learning achieved.

About the message at the end, I am glad you keep making Alesa (or any) games despite anything and everything, as usual I don't have anything to offer but my words so:

Keep up the good work!


Moriko! As always, thank you so much for playing and for the gameplay ! Your feedback is always valuable, specially considering you are some sort of Dossowstorian after having played pretty much all of my games (even the most obscure ones that aren't available anymore).

I think I should clarify that it was me who made the sprites (I should have made it more clear in the intro credits). I wanted to try a completely new approach for the Alesa series, including the change from top down view to sideview, and new artwork from my collaborator, the amazing NewmoniaCute.

After all the "epicness" from Alesa 3, I wanted to do some sort of small mystery that didn't involve the end of the universe or something like that. I mostly took inspiration from films in the giallo genre (specially Argento, one of my favorite directors ever), mixed with the sillyness of the Alesa series and I also wanted to bring back some of the more serious creepyness and body horror from Alesa 1.

This game means a big change compared to the previous games (including the remake), so I understand why it might feel like something else, maybe even a completely different game, but I made sure to keep most of the core elements of the series,  references to the previous games and some enemies are even spiritual succesors to previous monsters (like the sisters, or the nanny being some sort of new mother).

I'm glad you appreciated the bike scene, because it's one of my favorite parts of the game and I had a lot of fun making it (it was also a good excuse to include a song with vocals). I definitely wanted to try out many new gimmicks and I'm happy with the results.

I'm not sure if the change to sideview will be permanent, since the top down view has its charm and it's the classic one, but I definitely would like to keep expanding the series in the near future, or maybe even make a spinoff.

Thanks again for playing and for the video Moriko! By the way, you missed one ending: you had to reset the clock at the top of the clock tower 22 times to get an ending that involves Zagaracathal!


This is truly hell lol




There are instances of partial nudity, but all the games include optional censorship. Even without censorship, any instance of potential nudity is hidden by something (for example, bubbles). You can play the games with censorship ON and no nudity should be shown


I got every ending and all of the documents! (Well, except for the 9th one.)

(1 edit) (+1)

Awesome Dorkifishie! : D
The 9th one is extremely hidden

Any hints as to where it is?


After a certain chase that involves mannequins falling, go back all the way

I found it!


Awesome! : D A lot of people missed it


Bruhh nice you learned character design.


If you mean the portraits/CGs/character artwork, that was done by NewmoniaCute. I made the sprites (and that includes the deformed giant chicken legs)


Great game


Thank you Blaze! : D Much appreciated!

My pleasure 


i cant exit through the door when the creature comes out of the closet even if i tried 4 times


If you're using the keyboard, just head straight to the door and press the interaction button (z or enter). If you're using the mouse or you're playing it on your phone, just click on the door/press and hold the door


oh thanks!


Looks really cool!

Thank you so much! : )


Just finished this game and got a few of the endings (I'm not going to focus on getting them all, honestly), and I can say that this game is absolutely amazing. I love this series so much and if this is the last Alesa game, I would be fine with that. 

You put so much work into this one and you and NewmoniaCute definitely make this game the best it possibly could.

Thank you for making these games.


Thank you so much for your words, it means a lot! :  D 

We worked really hard on this, so comments like yours makes us really happy and motivate us to make more games!


i feel bad for messing out on the other games but better late than never :D here my first impression on the game , loving it so far :D


Thank you so much for playing, your video was really fun and your voices are awesome hahahah
Don't worry about the other games! I think the intro recap is enough to understand everything


welcome back in hell

Thanks for checking out the game queenfaith! : D


finally finished the game!! loved the puzzles they keep getting more and more creative with each game that comes out!!

i got endings a b c e f

i wonder what the secret ending is! 


Thank you so much! : D

I'm glad you liked the puzzles! I always struggle making them but I liked these ones

You're missing endings S (secret) and D.

Here are some hints (potential spoilers): computer, world record, garden, 4

(1 edit) (+1)

this game is an absolute perfection...

where is the garden tho?..


thank you Abra haha!
the garden is behind the kitchen!


also Alesa and Mr Bob working together is awesome! didnt expect that


I'm glad you liked their brief team up hahahha
Alesa is pretty ashamed of that though

(1 edit)

i didnt get the secret ending when i played, but i watched a video - that ending is certainly the best of all🤣











person behind the monitor?????

(major HC flashbacks....)


very innovative boxes puzzle! wow


oh, Berenice was my favorite Poe's novel🖤I even used it(and his other works) as inspiration for my first game😊


that's awesome!


alesa is 27 in game description but game says 24 :D

(1 edit) (+2)

You mean in the intro?
That's a reference to her age in the first game
In A House for Alesa 1 she was 24
That's just a recap of the previous events! So people who haven't played them can understand the story of the previous games. But Alesa is currently 27!


ohhhhhhhhhhhhh ok that makes sense loll. amazing game btw been waiting for it for a longgg time


Alesa looks so pretty in this game


She's the ultimate waifu!


I am beyond excited to play this, all your games have been spectacular.


Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! : D


Epico esa firma tan unica


Muchas gracias! : D


No quiero exagerar cuando digo que el diseño de personajes me parece increíble, pero quiero remarcar el hecho de Alesa tiene un diseño realmente espectacular 

20/10 🚬🗿




Con este juego aprendí que Alesa tiene un ENORME corazón❤️

PD: gracias por darme la oportunidad de participar en tu juego :3


Gracias a vos por haber aceptado por participar y por haber hecho tan increíble arte y hasta haberle hecho los sonidos de voz a Alesa. Tu arte es el alma de este proyecto!

HEY everyone! This is NewmoniaCute! She's the artist of the game and I'm sure you all will love her artwork! She's a superb artist and an amazing person!


found a typo


I think they just wanted to abbreviate the address!


OH MY GOD a new one, can't wait to play this. Man Alesa looks so good in the images


NewmoniaCute's art is absolutely amazing! This game wouldn't have been possible without her!

ik shes a thicky