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Really enjoyed this one too! Was kinda hoping we'd play as our granddaughter, but certainly don't mind Alesa's cake seeing more of Greta and Alesa being cute together! 

oh i thought we would be playing as alesa granddaughter vanessa but atleast the game is kinda good


Heh, reminds me of those old, classic pixel games where the devs were too uncomfortable with harming men xP No clue what this game contains, but the description kinda has the same vibes~

I really love your games!! if we can have a house for alesa 5 with mr.bob still in our body and he helps us i'd apreciate it very much plsss!!!

hey so i doubt youll see this but i really really love your games. theyre the perfect amount of silly AND scary. i also appreciate how the main character is a woman liker but its not fetishized. sure Alesa herself is but its funny LOL her boobs and cake keep getting bigger and bigger. Anyways its kind of a funny story but when i was sent to a residential this was one of the few websites that wasnt blocked on the chrome books and basically this game was pretty much the only thing i enjoyed about that god forsaken school i had to go to. so thanks for making something that sort of helped me push through it. your other games are super fun too. i really enjoyed billy went to a carnival because it had an undertale sort of feel to it.

Thank you so much! I'm glad this one and Billy managed to entertain you while you couldn't access other sites!

(3 edits)

I was about to end the game and start uploading to my Youtube channel, when I suddly got this wonderful surprise by my channel's name be in the credits, I wasn't expecting at all! Thank you so much.

PS_ I will leave a message on my video with my own voice about it :) It was an unexpected earlier Xmas gift.

Thanks to you for playing the games and making the playthroughs! : D

The pleasure is all mine!

If her butt and hips get any bigger, you'll need to program an actual attack for her and animate said attacks in any future games she's in!


Yoo necesitoo los soundtraaaackss porr favooor

los necesito, los deseo 🖐️ 

I fell in love with your games after I watched Alt Akari play through several of them. Something about the tone of the Alesa games really appeals to me, and the monster designs are great! Can't wait to see what you make next! :)

Also, I was wondering if you removed a song from the game? I think it was called Loner. I remember really enjoying it!

Ohh thank you, I really appreciate it!
Yes, I've seem some of his streams! And not just of my games!
AltAkari is awesome!

The song "Loner" was removed because I wasn't happy with how it sounded, so I just left "Memories"

You're welcome! <3

And that's a shame to hear, but I understand. Are there any places where you post your music? I would love to hear more! :)

Not at the moment, but I might make a yt channel and upload both my songs and my games' music there...maybe in the near future, who knows

Sounds cool! I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for it!

I've been loving the games you're putting out recently and look forward to what you'll make next.

Thank you so much! : D

why she get thiccer in every new game

(not complaining)


She'll get even thiccer!

Podrías crear una versión para android porfavor

Wendía! la versión de navegador es compatible con android UwU asi que podés jugar sin descargar nada

Bieeeee :D, gracias 

My girlfriend and I have been following you since Pinocchiogoria and we've played all your games. We just come to to see if there is anything new from you, we really like the universes you create. We hope that you continue to be in better health and that we can have more games from you. All the success and support to you man

Wow thank you so much, that means a lot! Thank you for your support! : D Hopefully, I'll release more games this month!


really love your games, your stories, your style, when im playing your games i can feel everything, i can laugh, i can cry, i can feel fear. you are literally my fav developer, don't stop, i wish you good luck <3 

ohhh thank you so much for your kind words! I really appreciate it!
I'll try to continue making more games as long as I can!

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