As I said, short video is out! I'll be making part 2 with more information soon. This video was recorded few days ago, before voice acting was 100% comfirmed, so I said it's questionable. I hope I was at least near to what alternate costumes were lol. I hope you like it! :)
That's awesome! : D World premiere information! Thank you so much for sharing the info! Regarding the alternate costumes, I have the following in mind: default suit Alesa, yoga Alesa, bunny Alesa, robot Alesa, knight Alesa, monochrome Alesa, mother dress Alesa, Greta cosplay Alesa and Mr. Bob cosplay Alesa. Some of them will probably not make it, but those are the ones I have in mind at the moment
Oh wow, so I was actually close with alternate costumes :D. I thought it's like changing style of the character and this is basically it so that's good.
Hay i have a question is the twins eyes originally red? If not that would be interesting to know why there red
I got a funny thing I thoght of wich is them getting soap in there eyes and thay yell "MY EYES" like in the spongebob show when the guy reveals he's bald lol
Hahahahaha Their eyes were originally green, but after being transformed into monsters, they turned red. They are red because red reflects their thirst for blood
Hey there I loved this sequel, I love these jump scares and new "family" members! I fucked up my mic for the video but I hope you know I have nothing but good to say about the game and it's puzzles! I'm already hyped for the third game I was so surprised when I just saw that, Really thanks man for making these they are so good!
Thank you so much! : D I remember your video for the first game!I'm really glad you've enjoyed the Alesa games! The third one will definitely be the best one of the three! I want to implement even crazier ideas/areas/characters and experiment with new gameplay ideas
Hay i have a question about the themes i wish you would put them on a thing so we can listen to it on repeat lol enyways does the twins have a theme or no just a question thank you when you see this
You mean, uploading the soundtrack of the game? Yes, I can do that! I uploaded the first one's OST so there wouldn't be any problem. I'll probably upload it later today. I don't think the twins have a theme. So far, only Greta, Mr. Bob and Zagaracathal have themes. But I could give them themes in the next game
I absolutely adore this game it is amazing love the ambience the creepyness the humor and the sexiness thank you for an spectacular experience and i just started it Thank you developer and team
Thank you so much! Really fun video haha! : D I'm glad you enjoyed the game! I'm actually a one man team haha, I don't think a team could work for the Alesa games. Or maybe it would. I don't know. For now, I'm working on the third game all alone
That was great, I love the more campy slasher tone of this game vs classic creepy family of the last one! It's great that you mixed things up and still managed to make it fun. Thanks for sharing!
They can be played on Android! RMMZ allows you to export to windows, mac, browser/android/iOS. I actually added the option to skip some sections (such as the mannequin room) because of android/iOS users. The game is intended to be played on a computer though, but yeah, I'm sure it can be played on Android (at least this one. I'll have to check if the same applies to the first game, although I can't modify the game until the jam ends)
Final part scheduled at 12 PM tomorrow! It was so exciting to play and descover different endings. I'm so excited for the 3rd game bc u said it will be horror only I think. Anyway, I mentioned you in the video and in desc. Love your games, keep going!
A great way to end the game! Thank you so much for covering the game and the playthrough videos! They were great and it was really fun listening to your commentaries! Indeed, the ending you chose is the canon one. Alesa put Mr. Bob to sleep, she offered her hearing to Zagaracathal and now she lives with Greta. I'm a bit undecided regarding the tone of A House for Alesa 3: I really want it to be pure horror but at the same time I really enjoy writing/creating dumb situations such as "Mr. Rob" or the "give me back my candle" dialog. Maybe I could add a "pure horror" mode, and a "horror comedy" mode. Thank you so much for your support! : D I'm glad you liked both games!
I'm just a bit worried, yk when u watch a series and they make few seasons and then they make more and more and it kinda ruins the whole thing and u're thinking like it would be the best if they just end it there. Maybe they run out of ideas or make something in a hurry so I just want you to take your time. I would honestly love pure horror like it was in A house for alesa 1, but whatever feels right to you. I'm thinking of like 99 years later Mr.Bob wakes up and Alesa and Greta's granddaughter or son gets in contact with him lol. Oh, I also loved finding documents and finding out about character's story the most. But anyway, I'm here if you need anything! Just take your time you got this! :D
Yes, some sequels are certainly unnecessary, but I guess it's all about inspiration and if a product is made out of greed (like some of those tv series or films that only get sequels to get money) or out of love for the series/film/game. The Alesa games are free so it's not about money. I make them because I love developing games and making people laugh or feel scared. I will take my time with this one, since I want it to be the best of the series and end on a high note. I actually have some really crazy ideas for the 99 years time skip so it will be fun (or sad) to implement them. Notes will be coming back for sure, and I also want to add features such as art gallery, achievements, alternate costumes and probably voice acting (still undecided on this one)
As always, thank you so much for your support! : D
You're right about TV series and films! I'm glad you do what you love:D. I can't wait for game 3 I'm sure you'll make it the best! New features sound really good too, especially voice acting I think that's really cool. U're so underrated. Btw, I saw YouTuber with 5 mil subscribers play ur game that's so exciting.
Thank you! : D I will take my time with this one since it will probably be the end of the Alesa series and I want it to be something special! I've taken note of the things people liked and the things that should be implemented to improve the gameplay and the overall experience. I also want to remake the first one (don't know when) with new features and graphics
Notice regarding the spanish translation: there was a bug related to a camera zoom in Mr. Bob's house but it has already been fixed (it's safe to play it now). The bug was because I forgot to activate something in the latest update. But no worries! Everything's fixed now!
Part 3 of A House for Alesa adventure! I already said everything about this game I possibly could, it's just so good and how I'm close to the end I'm closer to playing your other games. I love how you add funny parts in it. It's perfect literally the best horror game on itch io. <3 Don't make hate comments get to u and make u feel down. You have so many ppl who love what you do and im ur fan and i love you <333 so focus on good things!!
Ohhh thank you so much nitqcute! : ) I've watched all your gameplays, they have been really fun and amazing! I'm glad you like the game so much! : D Hate means nothing when there are people who enjoy the games! I will keep making games; actually, I have many more planned! And I'm already working on the sprites for A House for Alesa 3 (it will go back to pure horror, though) Thanks again for all your support! I will make sure to watch your next videos! : D
A House for Alesa 2? I wouldn't be interested in adding voices because it would take too much time and I can't afford voice acting hahaha (also, the game's finished and I don't want to work on it anymore) But I might consider voice acting for A House for Alesa 3, although it would have to be free (it would be a free game after all). However, I think maybe voice acting isn't suited for the Alesa series
the game was wonderful with great story i really like it.
i just wanna know if there secret item that make the player searching.i thought that the cake or stears was one but i searched like 2h but there was nothing i can use it for.
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! There are no secret items, the cake is a joke item and the stairs are there because it's the insanity hall. There are some secret scenes only a few people have discovered though, and they are at the beginning of the game, when Alesa is in her appartment (and one in the alley outside the apartment's entrance, near the cars)
I loved this game so much as well as the first one!!! I honestly hope you continue this series. I will definitely be playing it.
By the way, I was so expecting Greta to turn out evil somehow (she was in the first game, but that's not my reason). Whenever Mr. Bob said that Greta was the one who killed Alesa's friend, and she was like "you were the one controlling her," I expected a twist, or even to find a hidden document talking about how she was evil. Unless I missed something. But either way, I loved the ending(s). <3
Also!! I do wonder, how do you pronounce Alesa? ah-less-ah or ah-lee-sah? Or something else??
Thank you so much! : D I will definitely continue the series, as working with these characters is really fun and there are still some loose ends and characters that need more sreentime.
I thought about making an ending where Greta turned out to be 100% evil, but ultimately I decided against it since it would have been pretty much ending D from A House for Alesa 1 all over again.And I really wanted Greta to have some redemption and happiness.
Alesa's name was picked totally at random and it probably has many pronunciations, but I personally pronounce it "ah-leh-sah", although if people want to pronounce it "ah-lee-sah", that's totally fine
me encanto este juego dioooosss, tanto el 1 como el 2 y me encanta el humor acido que tuvo el 2, sobretodo por el chip de greta y alesa, se neseitaba jsjsjs espero ver juegos tuyos de este estilo nuevamente, xoxo
We're in love with the first part but this graphic improved was amazing. Completely awsome again, you naild it! You can check the gameplay edit of the second part too, we'll be playing with Alesa for as long as you let us. Hope you like it!
Wooow thank you so much!:D I've finished watching both your gameplays and they were amazing! You're a great duo! It's really fun to watch you! A House for Alesa 3 is currently in the works hahaha
Nevermind i dont think it works on my phone i cant stop running even if i turn it on or off can you tell me what it is on that may work if so thank you and ill be here for a wile and i follow you now and i will forever lol
I don't really know about how Rpg Maker games work on phones, since I make these games with computers in mind, so I'm afraid I can't help with that running problem. But I'll take this into consideration for my future games
I hope you have a good day if you see this and i wish the best for you and if your make a 3rd game ill be here lol and i wish there was a good ending for the twins.
Thank you! : D Perhaps if I make a 3rd game, they could have a good ending where it's revealed that they never harmed animals (it was a lie made up by their parents) and they weren't evil
Oh god I hate there parents from the start when I read the document thay are awful but I loved the twins so much I kinda broke the game on my own lol I don't know why or how lol
Thank you so much! I actually made this sequel so that Greta and Alesa could be together.
I do plan on making a third game, since there are still some loose ends and characters that need more screentime, but I'm not sure when. Probably by the end of August.I'm also working on some spin-offs within the same universe
I'm afraid not.Actually, I don't even know what chromebookOS is hahaha. But if RMMZ ever allows for that, I'll make sure to include a version compatible with chromebookOS
dope appreciate it thought it was a great game, saw Jay from Kubzcouts play it on Yt and liked the story development behind the characters and endings i wish you prayer and luck for your game development futre
Hi am a huge fan of your games my favourite are the alisa games but am wondering if you ever make a 3 game wold there be a chance for the twins getting a good or more ending? There my favorit littl psychos and i think thay need way more love but even if you deside not to ill still love eny games you make!
Thank you so much laravr!: D You're honestly the first person that seems to like the twins hahahha, most people hate them. According to the document, they harmed animals so they wouldn't deserve a happy ending. However, there's a chance that those documents are not entirely true (also, that was a statement by their parents. Maybe the parents were lying and the twins never hurt animals). If I make a third game, they definitely need to come back (maybe not as an enemy but as a npc important to the story)
Episode 2 is out tomorrow. I had so much fun playing as always. I don't know how you come up with all this crazy stuff I love it. I have no other choice but to follow you, this is all just so amazing. You make my day :). I should stop reading the comments, but if you ever make A House for Alesa 3 I'm here for it! Thank you so much for creating this <3 (after i'm done with this game ill record the rest of your games)
You have no idea how happy it makes me to read messages like yours! I've gotten a lot of hate lately, but it doesn't matter as long as there are people who have fun and enjoy my games! And if people want a third game, I guess I'll end up making it hahaha. Thank you so much for your support! I watched your new video, it was amazing! : D
Thank you so much for watching! I don't understand why would you get any hate you worked so hard and game is amazing from story to animations to soundtrack... If you need any help with making games I'm here:) good job!
It seems some people were offended by the fart jokes and the toilet system hahaha. I honestly just put those in there for laughs (the toilet is not even mandatory, it's completely optional). And some of these people think they know everything about me just from watching parts of the game (so many Freuds out there! Truly amazing! They even mentioned I should be in an asylum or something like that). I just wanted to make people laugh, but oh well. I don't make games for these people (the ones who got offended). I make games for people who enjoy bizarre/creepy/surreal/crazy pixelated games with very strange humor and situations that don't make sense at all
Thank yo so much! : ) Technically, all the endings could be considered canon (parallel dimensions). However, if I were to make "A House for Alesa 3", it would probably follow the events of ending 7/9 with Alesa having lost her hearing (Alesa and Greta live together as a couple and Mr. Bob will sleep for 99 years) The reason I'd choose that endings is because it allows me to put Mr. Bob to rest without killing him, and Greta and Alesa can finally be happy together. And who knows, maybe Alesa could recover her hearing in the future after a revolutionary surgery.
underrated game developer warning, House for alesa 1 and house for alesa 2 , Had such bone chilling soundtracks, i geniunely love ur games! keep it up ♥
Wooow thank you so much!! : D I really appreciate it! I'm working on a new game right now! It won't have jokes though, this time it wil be 100% horror!
I love this one as much as the last one!! =D i liked how some of the endings had really funny/weird images and especially the mannequin part the warning made me laugh. ^^ you’re a really good game designer =DD!
Thank you so much for your words Maz, it means a lot! : D My main goal was to make people laugh and feel horrified at the same time hahahaha. I've gained a lot of hate, but also many people seem to have enjoyed the game and enjoy the characters and their stories, so that's what matters to me!
Ofc!! I think you should keep doing what you love, and don’t listen to all the hate you get, you’re an amazing game creator/designer and i really do mean it! keep up the good work >:D!!
I started a series of this game on my channel, it was super fun playing. I was so suprised about the scene when you come in front of policeman n@ked. This game is so fun you did a great job! Thank you for letting us play for free. <3
Thank you so much for your words! : D That was a really great and fun video! Very few people discovered that interaction with the officer hahaha! My games will always be free! As long as people laugh or have fun with my games (or get scared hahaha) I'll be happy!
omg i never discovered that scene with policeman and ashamed of that😅. That is such a genius way to answer to all those accusations<3 You're an evil saint>:3C
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Just finished this amazing sequel and I gotta say man I love cake! Just curious as to what personal item you can give to Z to be happy with your gf?
You can't give any item to Zagaracathal, you can only offer one of the 6 choices. But Alesa and Greta are very happy together!
Aw darn also what's the Cake item for?
Just a joke item hahahah
That's awesome! : D World premiere information! Thank you so much for sharing the info!
Regarding the alternate costumes, I have the following in mind: default suit Alesa, yoga Alesa, bunny Alesa, robot Alesa, knight Alesa, monochrome Alesa, mother dress Alesa, Greta cosplay Alesa and Mr. Bob cosplay Alesa. Some of them will probably not make it, but those are the ones I have in mind at the moment
Oh wow, so I was actually close with alternate costumes :D. I thought it's like changing style of the character and this is basically it so that's good.
I found you on my discord I waved at you I'm lexy if your wanting to know and also have a good day/night
Sure, no problem!
Hay i have a question is the twins eyes originally red? If not that would be interesting to know why there red
I got a funny thing I thoght of wich is them getting soap in there eyes and thay yell "MY EYES" like in the spongebob show when the guy reveals he's bald lol
Their eyes were originally green, but after being transformed into monsters, they turned red. They are red because red reflects their thirst for blood
I had so much fun finishing this game up, I can't wait for the next release! Alesa and Greta forever ❤
Thank you so much! : D I still can't believe you managed to dodge the mother hahahaha
Thank you so much! : D I remember your video for the first game!I'm really glad you've enjoyed the Alesa games!
The third one will definitely be the best one of the three! I want to implement even crazier ideas/areas/characters and experiment with new gameplay ideas
Hay i have a question about the themes i wish you would put them on a thing so we can listen to it on repeat lol enyways does the twins have a theme or no just a question thank you when you see this
You mean, uploading the soundtrack of the game? Yes, I can do that! I uploaded the first one's OST so there wouldn't be any problem. I'll probably upload it later today.
I don't think the twins have a theme. So far, only Greta, Mr. Bob and Zagaracathal have themes. But I could give them themes in the next game
If you do its awesome but you can be you
I enjoyed this too much to not share it with you here XD
hahahaha ma bucur ca iti plac Alesa si miscarile ei de dans! :D
I absolutely adore this game it is amazing love the ambience the creepyness the humor and the sexiness thank you for an spectacular experience and i just started it Thank you developer and team
Thank you so much! Really fun video haha! : D I'm glad you enjoyed the game! I'm actually a one man team haha, I don't think a team could work for the Alesa games. Or maybe it would. I don't know. For now, I'm working on the third game all alone
Damn that's amazing team or not keep it going stupendous job and thank you
That was great, I love the more campy slasher tone of this game vs classic creepy family of the last one! It's great that you mixed things up and still managed to make it fun. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks to you for playing! : D
Hello Dossow! Someone wanted me to ask you if you can make A House for Alesa 1 and 2 available for Android? <3
They can be played on Android! RMMZ allows you to export to windows, mac, browser/android/iOS. I actually added the option to skip some sections (such as the mannequin room) because of android/iOS users. The game is intended to be played on a computer though, but yeah, I'm sure it can be played on Android (at least this one. I'll have to check if the same applies to the first game, although I can't modify the game until the jam ends)
Thank you, I told them.
A great way to end the game! Thank you so much for covering the game and the playthrough videos! They were great and it was really fun listening to your commentaries!
Indeed, the ending you chose is the canon one. Alesa put Mr. Bob to sleep, she offered her hearing to Zagaracathal and now she lives with Greta. I'm a bit undecided regarding the tone of A House for Alesa 3: I really want it to be pure horror but at the same time I really enjoy writing/creating dumb situations such as "Mr. Rob" or the "give me back my candle" dialog. Maybe I could add a "pure horror" mode, and a "horror comedy" mode.
Thank you so much for your support! : D I'm glad you liked both games!
I'm just a bit worried, yk when u watch a series and they make few seasons and then they make more and more and it kinda ruins the whole thing and u're thinking like it would be the best if they just end it there. Maybe they run out of ideas or make something in a hurry so I just want you to take your time. I would honestly love pure horror like it was in A house for alesa 1, but whatever feels right to you. I'm thinking of like 99 years later Mr.Bob wakes up and Alesa and Greta's granddaughter or son gets in contact with him lol. Oh, I also loved finding documents and finding out about character's story the most. But anyway, I'm here if you need anything! Just take your time you got this! :D
Yes, some sequels are certainly unnecessary, but I guess it's all about inspiration and if a product is made out of greed (like some of those tv series or films that only get sequels to get money) or out of love for the series/film/game. The Alesa games are free so it's not about money. I make them because I love developing games and making people laugh or feel scared.
I will take my time with this one, since I want it to be the best of the series and end on a high note. I actually have some really crazy ideas for the 99 years time skip so it will be fun (or sad) to implement them.
Notes will be coming back for sure, and I also want to add features such as art gallery, achievements, alternate costumes and probably voice acting (still undecided on this one)
As always, thank you so much for your support! : D
You're right about TV series and films! I'm glad you do what you love:D. I can't wait for game 3 I'm sure you'll make it the best! New features sound really good too, especially voice acting I think that's really cool. U're so underrated. Btw, I saw YouTuber with 5 mil subscribers play ur game that's so exciting.
Thank you! : D I will take my time with this one since it will probably be the end of the Alesa series and I want it to be something special! I've taken note of the things people liked and the things that should be implemented to improve the gameplay and the overall experience. I also want to remake the first one (don't know when) with new features and graphics
bro thinks hes toby fox (good gaem btw)
Hello, we meet again XD.
Here is the stream with this game:
I personally enjoyed very much the humour of this one, a massive improvement over the predecessor.Thank you so much! : D I'll make sure to watch it! I remember watching the video for the first game and I really enjoyed it!
Notice regarding the spanish translation: there was a bug related to a camera zoom in Mr. Bob's house but it has already been fixed (it's safe to play it now). The bug was because I forgot to activate something in the latest update. But no worries! Everything's fixed now!
Part 3 of A House for Alesa adventure! I already said everything about this game I possibly could, it's just so good and how I'm close to the end I'm closer to playing your other games. I love how you add funny parts in it. It's perfect literally the best horror game on itch io. <3 Don't make hate comments get to u and make u feel down. You have so many ppl who love what you do and im ur fan and i love you <333 so focus on good things!!
Ohhh thank you so much nitqcute! : ) I've watched all your gameplays, they have been really fun and amazing! I'm glad you like the game so much! : D
Hate means nothing when there are people who enjoy the games!
I will keep making games; actually, I have many more planned! And I'm already working on the sprites for A House for Alesa 3 (it will go back to pure horror, though)
Thanks again for all your support! I will make sure to watch your next videos! : D
Thank you so much. I love the idea of pure horror. Honestly, can't wait!
All files are fixed now (I had messed up by replacing the windows version with the mac version)
I wanted to download it again, but windows version doesnt look like windows at all...
It seems it's the Mac version, I messed up hahaha
I'm going to upload the real windows version now
hey I have another question. Do you think anyone will offer to voice over the characters in this game?
A House for Alesa 2? I wouldn't be interested in adding voices because it would take too much time and I can't afford voice acting hahaha (also, the game's finished and I don't want to work on it anymore)
But I might consider voice acting for A House for Alesa 3, although it would have to be free (it would be a free game after all).
However, I think maybe voice acting isn't suited for the Alesa series
the game was wonderful with great story i really like it.
i just wanna know if there secret item that make the player searching.i thought that the cake or stears was one but i searched like 2h but there was nothing i can use it for.
BTW ur games has good idea i liked it.
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!
There are no secret items, the cake is a joke item and the stairs are there because it's the insanity hall. There are some secret scenes only a few people have discovered though, and they are at the beginning of the game, when Alesa is in her appartment (and one in the alley outside the apartment's entrance, near the cars)
Very nice game!
Walkthrough All Endings:
Thank you so much! : D That was a great gameplay!
I loved this game so much as well as the first one!!! I honestly hope you continue this series. I will definitely be playing it.
By the way, I was so expecting Greta to turn out evil somehow (she was in the first game, but that's not my reason). Whenever Mr. Bob said that Greta was the one who killed Alesa's friend, and she was like "you were the one controlling her," I expected a twist, or even to find a hidden document talking about how she was evil. Unless I missed something. But either way, I loved the ending(s). <3
Also!! I do wonder, how do you pronounce Alesa? ah-less-ah or ah-lee-sah? Or something else??
Thank you so much! : D
I will definitely continue the series, as working with these characters is really fun and there are still some loose ends and characters that need more sreentime.
I thought about making an ending where Greta turned out to be 100% evil, but ultimately I decided against it since it would have been pretty much ending D from A House for Alesa 1 all over again.And I really wanted Greta to have some redemption and happiness.
Alesa's name was picked totally at random and it probably has many pronunciations, but I personally pronounce it "ah-leh-sah", although if people want to pronounce it "ah-lee-sah", that's totally fine
Gamepad support?
I'm not really sure about that. Rpg Maker MZ might requiere a plugin in order to support a gamepad. I'll have to investigate
me encanto este juego dioooosss, tanto el 1 como el 2 y me encanta el humor acido que tuvo el 2, sobretodo por el chip de greta y alesa, se neseitaba jsjsjs espero ver juegos tuyos de este estilo nuevamente, xoxo
Muchas gracias! : D Pronto habrá nuevos juegos!
Wooow thank you so much!:D I've finished watching both your gameplays and they were amazing! You're a great duo! It's really fun to watch you!
A House for Alesa 3 is currently in the works hahaha
Thank you so much for watching it! ♥
That's great, we'll be wating a House for Alesa 3 :D Keep us posted!
Nevermind i dont think it works on my phone i cant stop running even if i turn it on or off can you tell me what it is on that may work if so thank you and ill be here for a wile and i follow you now and i will forever lol
I don't really know about how Rpg Maker games work on phones, since I make these games with computers in mind, so I'm afraid I can't help with that running problem. But I'll take this into consideration for my future games
ok that's fine and thank you
I hope you have a good day if you see this and i wish the best for you and if your make a 3rd game ill be here lol and i wish there was a good ending for the twins.
BTW I love your other games
Thank you! : D Perhaps if I make a 3rd game, they could have a good ending where it's revealed that they never harmed animals (it was a lie made up by their parents) and they weren't evil
Oh god I hate there parents from the start when I read the document thay are awful but I loved the twins so much I kinda broke the game on my own lol I don't know why or how lol
I would honestly prefer the twins to remain evil personally. I liked that detail. <3 But you do what you want!
I loved this game. I liked how there was an ending for Alesa and Greata to be together. Are you planning on making a third game?
Thank you so much! I actually made this sequel so that Greta and Alesa could be together.
I do plan on making a third game, since there are still some loose ends and characters that need more screentime, but I'm not sure when. Probably by the end of August.I'm also working on some spin-offs within the same universe
is there a downloadable version for chromebookOS
I'm afraid not.Actually, I don't even know what chromebookOS is hahaha. But if RMMZ ever allows for that, I'll make sure to include a version compatible with chromebookOS
dope appreciate it thought it was a great game, saw Jay from Kubzcouts play it on Yt and liked the story development behind the characters and endings i wish you prayer and luck for your game development futre
HERE IS A House For Alesa 1 and 2! ALL ENDINGS! ALL CUTSCENES! ALL DEATH ANIMATIONS! Full Story (Game Movie)
My God! That's amazing! It's like the ultimate Alesa guide! You've done an incredible work! I'm out of words! : D
Hi am a huge fan of your games my favourite are the alisa games but am wondering if you ever make a 3 game wold there be a chance for the twins getting a good or more ending? There my favorit littl psychos and i think thay need way more love but even if you deside not to ill still love eny games you make!
Thank you so much laravr!: D
You're honestly the first person that seems to like the twins hahahha, most people hate them.
According to the document, they harmed animals so they wouldn't deserve a happy ending. However, there's a chance that those documents are not entirely true (also, that was a statement by their parents. Maybe the parents were lying and the twins never hurt animals).
If I make a third game, they definitely need to come back (maybe not as an enemy but as a npc important to the story)
Thank you so much for your support!
Episode 2 is out tomorrow. I had so much fun playing as always. I don't know how you come up with all this crazy stuff I love it. I have no other choice but to follow you, this is all just so amazing. You make my day :). I should stop reading the comments, but if you ever make A House for Alesa 3 I'm here for it! Thank you so much for creating this <3 (after i'm done with this game ill record the rest of your games)
You have no idea how happy it makes me to read messages like yours! I've gotten a lot of hate lately, but it doesn't matter as long as there are people who have fun and enjoy my games! And if people want a third game, I guess I'll end up making it hahaha. Thank you so much for your support! I watched your new video, it was amazing! : D
Thank you so much for watching! I don't understand why would you get any hate you worked so hard and game is amazing from story to animations to soundtrack... If you need any help with making games I'm here:) good job!
It seems some people were offended by the fart jokes and the toilet system hahaha. I honestly just put those in there for laughs (the toilet is not even mandatory, it's completely optional). And some of these people think they know everything about me just from watching parts of the game (so many Freuds out there! Truly amazing! They even mentioned I should be in an asylum or something like that). I just wanted to make people laugh, but oh well. I don't make games for these people (the ones who got offended). I make games for people who enjoy bizarre/creepy/surreal/crazy pixelated games with very strange humor and situations that don't make sense at all
Great game like always! I love the desing and the new stuff, btw what is the canon ending?
Thank yo so much! : )
Technically, all the endings could be considered canon (parallel dimensions). However, if I were to make "A House for Alesa 3", it would probably follow the events of ending 7/9 with Alesa having lost her hearing (Alesa and Greta live together as a couple and Mr. Bob will sleep for 99 years)
The reason I'd choose that endings is because it allows me to put Mr. Bob to rest without killing him, and Greta and Alesa can finally be happy together. And who knows, maybe Alesa could recover her hearing in the future after a revolutionary surgery.
underrated game developer warning, House for alesa 1 and house for alesa 2 , Had such bone chilling soundtracks, i geniunely love ur games! keep it up ♥
Wooow thank you so much!! : D I really appreciate it!
I'm working on a new game right now! It won't have jokes though, this time it wil be 100% horror!
I love this one as much as the last one!! =D i liked how some of the endings had really funny/weird images and especially the mannequin part the warning made me laugh. ^^ you’re a really good game designer =DD!
Thank you so much for your words Maz, it means a lot! : D My main goal was to make people laugh and feel horrified at the same time hahahaha. I've gained a lot of hate, but also many people seem to have enjoyed the game and enjoy the characters and their stories, so that's what matters to me!
Ofc!! I think you should keep doing what you love, and don’t listen to all the hate you get, you’re an amazing game creator/designer and i really do mean it! keep up the good work >:D!!
Thank you so much for your words! : D That was a really great and fun video! Very few people discovered that interaction with the officer hahaha!
My games will always be free! As long as people laugh or have fun with my games (or get scared hahaha) I'll be happy!
omg i never discovered that scene with policeman and ashamed of that😅. That is such a genius way to answer to all those accusations<3 You're an evil saint>:3C
Hahahaha only a few people have discovered it!
An unexpected surprise!
I really liked the second game, the improvements in certain models were really cool, the wife's new macabre design was very good!
oh, and the game is also much funnier
Thank you so much! : D Awesome playthrough!